Our heated, cozy cattery is a separate building away from the main kennels and can house up to 8 cats at any one time. This allows us to cultivate a calm cattery, where each cat gets lots of personal attention.
Cats Crave Comfort!
Cattery Pods
Each cat has their own two roomed pod, with one area for sleeping and eating, and the other with a toilet area. They have a ramp down onto the floor area where they have space to play around with their scratching post or toys.
Every pod has a shelf for climbing and lounging, a scratching branch, scratching post and cozy bed.
Having a small number of cats allows us to give them all lots of personal attention. However, we take everything at your cat’s pace - if they need a little time to settle and warm up, we will give them the time and the space to grow in confidence.
What Is Included
We like to keep our guests’ diet as close to what they eat at home, including the type of food and frequency of meals. As standard, our guests are fed twice daily, unless you specify otherwise.
We stock good quality wet and dry complete foods for appropriate lifestages. We know cats can be fussy so we make sure to have a choice of meat or fish based foods.
For cats that have food allergies/intolerances, cats on prescription diets and young kittens we recommend that you bring their usual food with you. For the extremely fussy feline, we recommend bringing their usual food just in case they don’t enjoy ours.
If you wish to bring your own food, that is fine too! We just ask that it comes in a labelled container with a note of the weight/amount required per meal and/or a measuring cup
If your pet has a health issue that requires daily medication, never fear! Please inform us of your pet’s health requirements when you enquire and our friendly team will be happy to discuss how we can best accommodate your regime*.
*some restrictions may apply.
All cats that tolerate, enjoy or require grooming are brushed regularly, we have a small stock of brushes and combs but if your cat is very particular or has complex grooming needs, we ask that you bring your own brushes.
Home Comforts
Toys! Treats! Cozy Beds!
We have a big stock of toys of all shapes, sizes and varieties; from wicker balls to soft mice, we have something for everyone! Let us know your favourites at check in. You are welcome to bring favourite toys from home too.
We like to give our boarders tasty treats whilst staying with us, whether to reward good behaviour or just to spoil them, we keep a variety of treats in stock. If your cat is on a diet or easily suffers from an upset tummy, please inform the staff when dropping your pet off, so we know not to give them any.
We have plenty of soft, fleecy bedding to give your cat a cozy place to curl up in. All our cattery pods contain a size appropriate plastic bed, to insulate bedding from the floor, filled with cozy blankets to snuggle in. For older cats we also have lots of pads and cushions for old bones to relax on. For very nervous cats we can also provide a hidey box for more privacy.
Food and water bowls are provided, we keep bowls of different materials for very particular cats.
It goes without saying: fuss and cuddles are on tap!